Home Brussels Cattle learn to use a urinal to reduce gas emissions

Cattle learn to use a urinal to reduce gas emissions

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A cow will never be completely clean, but you can teach him to go to the toilet. Netherlands cattle recently mastered the art of using a urinal to reduce gas emissions (released by manure).
The Dutch government imposes strict measures on farmers in order to limit the environmental impact of agriculture: smaller herds, limited manure spreading periods, high health standards in stables, etc. 

With a CowToilet, “the problem is addressed directly at the source”, ​​auto-entrepreneur and creator of the urinal Henk Hanskamp told AFP (Agence France Presse). The emission of ammonia — a chemical compound created when the liquid comes into contact with manure — is reduced when the urine is collected in the toilet. Nitrous oxide — greenhouse gas — is formed by this ammonia.

The principle of a CowToilet is quite simple: the urinal is placed in the stall at the cow’s posterior while it is eating pellets. When the cow has finished its meal, a nerve above the udder is stimulated by a robot, which urges the cow to urinate ( a cow releases between 15 and 20 litters urine per day). 

“The stables are cleaner, and the ground is drier. Less ground moisture means better nail health,” veterinarian Jan Velema said.

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