Home Brussels Former inmate says prison diet too low on vitamins

Former inmate says prison diet too low on vitamins

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Prison food consists of “too much starch, canned vegetables and no fruit,” according to a former inmate released in 2004.
When I left prison, I had a medical check-up and I had a lot of deficiencies, says Serge. I received potatoes and vegetables – mainly canned – at noon. I would have dreamed of making salads in prison, he adds as reported by RTBF.

Serge blames the deficiencies on a lack of vitamins from his food. The evening meal regularly consisted of slices of bread with a bar of chocolate, while at noon, the menu was somewhat more varied, he added. 

To get other commodities, it is not uncommon for the inmate to spend money. “If an inmate is eating fruit, it’s because he bought it with his money and bought it at the canteen,” says Serge.

Fifteen years later, the diet in prison has not changed, said social worker Kathleen Zurnie. Inmates complain a lot about the fat in diets, many of them get fat in jail because of the diet that consists of too little starchy food and a bit of junk food, added Zurnie.

Prisons want to do the best with the small budget they have. 3 euros 50 per prisoner per day, an inadequate budget planned for three meals, said two prison directors.

The food is not “unworthy,” however, said one of its directors adding that food in prison has not changed since the 80s.

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