Home Brussels Large majority of candidates at the head of party lists are men

Large majority of candidates at the head of party lists are men

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Only 29 women are at the head of the 95 lists put forward by the five main parties, L’Echo reported on Friday.
L’Echo looked at the main parties’ lists for the elections on the 26th of May, after they were finalised recently. 

The Ecolo and cdH have the highest number of women topping their lists. Ecolo has not yet finalised their lists, but eight of their 18 known lists are headed by women. Six of the 12 cdH lists are headed by women. 

DéFi has no candidates already known to voters outside of Brussels. This doesn’t mean that women are not putting themselves forward: five of the fifteen DéFi lists are led by women. PTB has just five female candidates (out of 19). 

The PS has the lowest number of female candidates, with just one woman at the top of the 12 lists they have finalised so far. The MR also has only four women at the top of their 19 lists. 

The European electoral debate will be very much male-dominated in Belgium. DéFi has not yet chosen its candidate, but the other parties only have men at the top of their lists: Paul Magnette for the PS, Olivier Chastel for the MR, Benoît Lutgen for the cdH, Philippe Lamberts for the Greens and Marc Botenga for the PTB. L’Echo said this was a missed opportunity for these parties.  

Jason Bennett

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