Home Brussels The Group of Ten would no longer exist under N-VA's confederalism model

The Group of Ten would no longer exist under N-VA's confederalism model

by editor
The N-VA wants interprofessional negotiations to end.
Its confederal model is based on negotiations with businesses and it would end the automatic indexation of salaries. 

“The Group of 10 (which includes both union and employer representatives) will no longer exist under our model, so nothing can be blocked”, former Deputy Prime Minister Jan Jambon said on Saturday. Saturday was also the first day of the study days event organised by Flemish nationalists.  

Confederalism would reduce national power to what the federalised entities want to work on together. The N-VA also wants to include a social element. 

“Let’s give social partners within businesses the autonomy to decide whether they will freeze salaries or increase them”, Mr Jambon said. “If a business is struggling or unemployment is high, unions will be happy to cooperate. On the other hand, if everything is going well everyone will benefit”.  

The same goes for the automatic indexation of salaries. “It no longer works”, says the N-VA president Bart De Wever

Sarah Johansson

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