Home Brussels 296 litres less rain than a normal year

296 litres less rain than a normal year

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2018 has seen the lowest number of rainy days ever recorded, which means groundwater levels are now a big concern.
Belgium has currently had 296 litres less rain than a normal year and December will probably not change that, meteorologist David Dehenauw explained during an interview with Het Nieuwsblad on Saturday. 

There is an average of 81 litres of rain in December: the record is 172 litres. 

The lack of rain is especially problematic for water tables: eight of the ten are currently very low. 

Half of Belgium’s drinking water comes from groundwater supplies, so there would need to be a lot of rain over the next few months for there not to be any problems in 2019. Agriculture and Industry are largely relying on underground water supplies. 

Sarah Johansson

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