Home Europe Spanish government to regulate online porn access to protect minors

Spanish government to regulate online porn access to protect minors

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According to a government study, half of the Spanish population under the age of 15 have accessed and consumed pornography at least once and 25% before the age of 12.


The Spanish government hopes to launch an age verification pilot project before the summer, to reduce the consumption of pornography by minors.

The new system was announced On Tuesday by government spokeswoman Pilar Alegría.

The plan is being developed by the Spanish Royal Mint, under the supervision of the National Data Protection Agency (AEPD). The software has already been tested on the main internet browsers.

Speaking to Spanish media the day before, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced his intention to pass a law to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content online.

He called the situation “a real epidemic“, adding that data results on the subject were “horrifying.”

A three-pronged approach

The government is set to work on three fronts: 

  1. Launch an age verification system to prevent minors from accessing this type of content.

  2. Establish two working groups -an interministerial one combining the Justice, Equality and Education departments and another combining experts from the Ministry of Youth and Children.

  3. Draft a law aiming to prevent minors from accessing online adult content.


Following a report published by the Ministry of Justice, the government expressed significant concern over the data presented.

25% of Spanish children under 12  consumed porn at least once

According to the paper, half of Spanish young people between the ages of 12 and 15 have consumed pornography at least once, and one in four children before the age of 12. 

In addition, seven out of ten young people between the ages of 13 and 17 regularly watch adult content, and 30% say it is their only source of effective sexual education.

Pornography has negative consequences on children and adults, such as distorted perceptions of sexual relations, psychological problems, the normalisation of violence against women or the risk of addiction.

Furthermore, systematic consumption of adult content has a negative impact on libidos in the long run.

The age verification mechanism is part of a comprehensive plan that the government wants to turn into a comprehensive law for the protection of minors on the Internet, which will address different areas, not just the consumption of pornography from an early age.

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