Home Featured Hundreds of Russian and Chinese spies believed to be active in Brussels

Hundreds of Russian and Chinese spies believed to be active in Brussels

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The seat of the European Union and NATO, Brussels does not fail to arouse the interest of the intelligence services. European diplomats are being warned by the internal security service of the European External Action Service (EEAS) against Russian and Chinese espionage, the German daily, Die Welt, reported based on European diplomatic sources. According to this security service, there are about “250 Chinese spies and 200 Russian spies” active in Brussels.


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C’est à Bruxelles qu’est le siège du Service européen pour l’action extérieure (SEAE ou EEAS pour l’acronyme en anglais), le service diplomatique de l’UE. Son objectif est de renforcer la cohérence et l’efficacité de la politique étrangère de l’UE, d’accroître ainsi l’influence de l’Europe dans le monde et de promouvoir les valeurs sur lesquelles se fonde notre Union (démocratie, droits de l’Homme, égalité des genres, liberté de la presse, solidarité, règle de droit, multilatéralisme…). El Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE) es el servicio diplomático de la UE. Su objetivo es mejorar la coherencia y la eficacia de la política exterior de la UE, aumentando así la influencia de Europa en el mundo y promoviendo los valores en los que se basa nuestra Unión (democracia, estado de derecho, libertad de expresión, igualdad de género, multilateralismo, solidaridad…). #ue #eu #seae #eeas #bruxelles #unioneuropéenne #unioneuropea #diplomatie #europeandiplomacy #diplomatieeuropéenne #diplomaciaeuropea

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Diplomats have been warned about some places in the European quarter in Brussels, including a restaurant and a famous cafe in the direct vicinity of the European Commission building and the EEAS.

The Chinese and Russian secret services are believed to work in Brussels, according to the German newspaper, especially in the embassies and commercial services of their country having a representation in the Belgian capital.

The details on agents from other non-European countries, such as the United States, are not mentioned in the report.

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