Home Brussels The names of the victims of the Maelbeek attack to be incorporated into the metro station

The names of the victims of the Maelbeek attack to be incorporated into the metro station

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As part of the next event to commemorate the 2016 Maelbeek attack, which will happen on the 22nd of March next year, the names of the Maelbeek attack victims will be incorporated into the metro station in a permanent way.
RTBF reported on the story and it was confirmed by the STIB spokesman on Sunday. 

The public transport society is working with the victim’s families and victim associations. The memorial has also been discussed with Brussels Mobility, which manages the station. The families that have already been contacted have all given the green light. Life4Brussels, a Belgian association that helps attack victims, is the association dealing with the request. 

The names of the 16 people who died will be engraved somewhere at the station, but the exact form the memorial will take has not been finalised. The names might be engraved onto a plaque. 

There is already a sign at the Maelbeek station with supportive messages from passengers. Two black and white frescos have also been painted by artist Benoît Van Innis. On the 22nd of March last year, STIB added the names of the 16 victims on adverts at the station and at various points along the network. 

Zaventem Airport has a commemorative plaque which was put up in the Departure Lounge. A stele with the names of the attack victims was also put up nearby. 

In total, there are a dozen memorials to the victims of the two 22nd of March 2016 attacks. 

Sarah Johansson

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