Home Brussels Bright Brussels to illuminate Brussels’ centre

Bright Brussels to illuminate Brussels’ centre

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The “Bright Brussels” festival of lights will illuminate the historic centre of the capital from 14 to 17 February.
Neighbourhoods such as the Quais, Sainte-Catherine, the Place du Vieux Marché aux Grains, the Grand Place or the Brussels Parliament will be clothed in light and luminous animations. “Last year, the event attracted some 120,000 visitors. This year we hope to have even more. More streets will be reserved for pedestrians,” Brussels Minister of Mobility, Pascal Smet, says.

On the Place of Vismet, the “Njörd” presentation will deserve special attention. “This is the one we chose to represent the Brussels Region’s thirty years,” the regional Minister-President Rudi Vervoort adds.

Also new this year: on presentation of the festival brochure (to be found in Tourist Information Centres), visitors will be able to visit the KANAL-Centre Pompidou for 5 euros.

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