Home Brussels Yellow Vests plan to weed out “political infiltrators”

Yellow Vests plan to weed out “political infiltrators”

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The Yellow Vests will exclude “politicians” from their group, according to the movement’s spokesman in Luxembourg Province, Zoran Starcevic, quoted on Thursday by Sudpresse newspapers.
“We’re going to exclude these people from our group; we’re apolitical,” said Starcevic, who disclosed that his and other provincial groups of the Yellow Vests had taken time on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday to “find out these politicians”.

“At first, we accepted many people among us; we never thought of checking where all these people were coming from, until the day when the Mons Yellow Vests noted that there had been someone from the Agora list, issued by the cdH (Humanist Democratic Centre – Editor’s note) in their group,” Starcevic explained.

“From then on, we told ourselves it was better to check. Eventually, in addition to the cdH, we realised there were members of other parties like the PTB (Workers’ Party) or Nation …,” the Yellow Vest spokesman added. “We knew we were going to be infiltrated, but not to that extent.”

“If politicians want to come into our group, let them say so publicly, but not by infiltrating it with little parliamentarians or little aldermen. There are some in Hainaut, Namur, Luxembour, Liège …, in all the provinces,” added Starcevic, regretting that “an investigation was needed to search for these people.”

He disclosed that fliers would be distributed to explain the action taken by the Yellow Vests movement in this regard and that other actions would follow during the month of January.

Maria Novak

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