Home Brussels The first poll of the year confirms the "Green wave"

The first poll of the year confirms the "Green wave"

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The first poll of the year, done for Le Soir, RTL-TVI, VTM and Het Laatste Nieuws, has confirmed the “Green wave” sweeping the country.
This poll, done 100 days before the elections, puts Ecolo in pole position in Brussels and the Greens second in Flanders. 

Ecolo remains top of the table for the Chamber elections in Brussels, with 19.9%. They are even at 22.6% when combined with the Greens, with whom they have a joint list. Ecolo have overtaken a stable PS who are at 15.9%, similar to where they were during a previous poll. The MR has lost a bit of ground as they are now at 15.3%. DéFI currently sits at 12.5%, way ahead of the PTB who are at 7.5%. The cdH are just below the 5% mark (4.3%). 

The poll was done between the 5th and 11th of February. The climate is currently the biggest issue both inside and outside Parliament. Ecolo has gained the most ground out of all the parties in Wallonia (16.8%). They are still behind the PS (24.3%) and the MR (19.4%), who are in similar positions to previous polls. The PTB (10.7%) are very close to the cdH (10.8%), who cannot yet say that Maxime Prevot becoming the party president has had any effect.  

In Flanders, the Greens (15.6%) have taken second place from the CD&V (stable at 15%), despite the resignation of Climate minister Joke Schauvliege. Flemish politics is still dominated by the N-VA, whose popularity has dropped slightly (27.4%). Open Vld (12.7%), le Vlaams Belang (11.1%) and the sp.a (11%) are tightly bunched at the bottom of the table, with the PTB quite a way below them at just under 5% (4.9%). 

Charleroi mayor Paul Magnette, spokesman for the socialist campaign, is the Walloon population’s favourite politician. He has overtaken Olivier Maingain, who has taken second place from Elio Du Rupo even though he himself will not stand during the elections. Olivier Maingain remains the favourite in Brussels, ahead of Paul Magnette and Prime Minister Charles Michel. N-VA president Bart De Wever has once again taken the lead in Flanders, overtaking Theo Francken. Charles Michel remains third.  

The margin for error is 3.1% in Wallonia and Flanders and 4.1% in Brussels. 

Sarah Johansson

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